Cafe Fez Myrtleford 

145 Great Alpine Road Myrtleford Victoria
08:30 - 16:00
08:30 - 16:00
08:30 - 16:00
08:30 - 21:00
08:30 - 16:00
08:30 - 16:00

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Café Fez presents a unique atmosphere - a treasure trove of twinkling Moroccan lanterns, silver teapots and colourful woven cushions.

Featuring a traditional menu of Middle-Eastern favourites, an astonishing drinks menu carrying an array of teas, a great line-up of local wines and beer, and a quixotic array of cocktails, this chilled-out little gem is the perfect place to relax with a group or snuggle up to a partner in one of the low-slung cushioned booths.

A dining experience is as much about theatre as it is about food: Moroccan mint tea arrives on a silver tray and a waitress pours it into an ornate tea glass three times to infuse it. Sitting at Café Fez under the twinkling of coloured glass lanterns with steam curling luxuriously from your tea amid the shelves of spices, you are transported momentarily to Safi or Fez. The best part - you don't need a plane ticket.

Vegetarian and vegan friendly.
